Damien B

Born May 5 1984

Live in France
e-mail : rf.oohay|ittoiccarb_neimad#rf.oohay|ittoiccarb_neimad
My Blog
My site

Online CV


2007/2008 : Master 2 Information and Communication, Médias and communication strategies, CELSA, Faculty Paris IV - Sorbonne, France.

June 2007 : Master 1 Information and Communication, option Multimédia, Faculty Paul Valéry, Béziers, France.

June 2006 : Licence 3 Information and Communication, Faculty Paul Valéry, Montpellier, France.

June 2005 : DEUG cultural Médiation and Communication, Faculty Paul Valéry, Nîmes, France.

July 2002 : "Baccalauréat Littéraire", Secondary school Mistral, Avignon.


June to September 2007 : school internship, AGF, Recruitment Integration Department, La Défense, Paris, France. e-Learning Creation.

April 2007 : school internship, Applimédia (In partnership with Formastore), e-working, France.

January 2005 : school internship, Esmenjaud printing, in Gardanne (13 near from Marseille), France.


July and August 2006 : Rent car in ADA Location, in Avignon (84), France

July and August 2005 : Deliveryman, Guisnel Transports, st Saturnin les avignon (84), France.

September 2003 to May 2004 : CROUS in Nîmes (30).

July, September 2002, and July 2004 : public treasury in Avignon (84), France.


New technologies,
drawing, A drawing for a competition on emob web site, Just a picture composition with a picture of a friend to a star wars competition on emob too, my book (in french)

Video presentation

My english blog

Damien's Weblog

What i want now

This year, i would like to do my internship in a video game society because i’m interested by the new use of video games :

- Video game to learn skills for the professional (simulations, e-learning,…)
- Video game to educate (« sériousgame »)
- Video game like a tool to make ads for big firm (« advergame »)
- Video game to publish ads in virtual world (in « second life », British Pétroleum will have virtual eletric central in the next « Sim City »)

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