E-culture challenge questions (for your blog)
1.Trust is an important issue on the internet. Analyze and comment on the site Prosper.com where people lend money to strangers. How is this possible? What does it say about trust? Are there more sites like this, and will more appear in the future? What kind?
2.Microsoft recently bought a tiny share of Facebook for $240 million dollars. Why is this site so valuable, and why does Microsoft want to be part of it?
3.E-mail is omnipresent in business and personal communications. But there are a number of pitfalls and ways to miscommunicate with e-mail. What are the guidelines to follow? What are the do's and don'ts? What is good etiquette and good communications principles to follow?
4.We all use Google, and lately it seems that every week it offers new services. What do we think about Google? Is it a force for good, or a force for evil? Are you pro-Google, or contra?
5.Investigate a book currently being written called “We are Smarter than Me”. What digital strategy does this represent? What future does this have? What are some other examples current and future?
6.SMS has mainly been used for personal messages and limited advertising from phone companies. What are the new uses for SMS with interesting applications? What original ideas do you have for SMS?
7.The internet has been the scene of some spectacular success stories where young creators of sites or services have made huge fortunes. What are some examples? How young? How much value has been created (estimated or real) or money earned?
8.In the history of e-culture, when did the following terms first appear: internet, e-mail, iPod, Walkman, search engine, YouTube…and other terms? What are some other surprising dates in the history of e-culture?
More questions:
1. Do we need policing on the internet to protect against incidents like the Finnish student shootings?
2. What are the most important innovations in e-culture for you personally and professionally?
3. What are the key hardware and software needs for you to participate in e-culture?
4. We are working in a No Strike Zone in the classs, using online technology to keep going. What do you think about this? What are the implications?