Axel T




Msc in strategic communications and digital means - 2008
CELSA - University of Paris Sorbonne

BA in applied modern literature - 2007
University of Paris Sorbonne

Other diplomas

Diploma in corporate communication - 2007
ISERP, school of communication and journalism

DUETI (University diploma of international technology education) in intercultural communication - 2006
English course at the university of Hanzehogeschool, Groningen, The Netherlands.
Erasmus - University of Paris Descartes

DUT (University diploma of technology) in business communication - 2005
University of Paris Descartes


From June to September 2007
Institut de France
-Press relations, writting press releases
-Data manager, using the software Datapress to find journalists
-Website manager and graphic designer, organizing the website architecture

From July to August 2006
Château du Riau
-Multilingual tour guide in a French Château listed "Monument Historique"
-Tour in French, English, Spanish and Italian
-Tour in English for the Chinese TV

From March to June 2006
EPIC seminar
-Organizing a seminar to promote the EPIC study programme
-Activities and catering team leader
-Looking for competent speakers

From April to June 2005
CNP Assurances
-Placement in the external communication department
-Public relation's work, presence in insurances and investments fairs
-Expending balance sheets

June 2004
Veolia Environnement
-Placement in the prospective communication department.
-Press digests for executives and leaders
-Research about international trends concerning VEOLIA's activities.


-Microsoft office (word, excel, power point)
-Adobe (Pagemaker, Photoshop)
-Quark (QuarkXpress)

-French: Mother tongue
-English: Fluent (Good user)
-Spanish: Fluent (Competent user)
-Italian: Advanced comprehension


-Two epistolary novels written together with two friends
-Former member of the Sorbonne poetry club
-Member of a poetry club

-Mountain activities (Trekking and skiing)

Axel T's videos


Here is a link to my video TO BE DUTCH OR NOT TO BE. Are you ready for that?


I am also a member of:

-Wordpress (blog)
-Vivaguadalajara (sports website)
Here is a broadcasting about Roger Federer in which I participated
-Projet Orphée

I wish I can be a member of:

-Institut de France
I am not an academician but I did many things for this website.
-Here is a part of the site I've done alone thanks to Photoshop and a content management framework. It promotes an exhibition at Château de Chantilly.

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